Message from Dr. Reagan Flowers
Big Step Backward for Early Learning
Having passed the sixth-month of the impacts of COVID-19, we’ve now seen schools close and reopen. We’ve seen the cancellation of standardized tests. We’ve seen parents and students struggling to keep up and get the resources they need, especially the most economically disadvantaged families and minorities. Now we’re seeing something new, and equally concerning — students who aren’t beginning school at all. Read the Full Article…

C-STEM Programs
This Month's Highlights
Quilting Makes STEM More Accessible
C-STEM recently received one of its most creative, impressive donations yet. The Gulf Coast Modern Quilt Guild donated a beautiful quilt, created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. C-STEM will auction off the quilt to support its programs.
The Gulf Coast Modern Quilt Guild is made up of women, who are mostly engineers or in science fields. Many of the members work at NASA or in the Oil & Gas industry in Houston.
The guild members were so excited to give back, and inspire young girls thinking about careers in STEM. We at C-STEM are honored to partner with the guild, and thank them for this amazing gift.
Members of the guild are pictured to the right:
Back row: Denise Parsons, Dena Yngve, Shirley Ksiazek, Debbie Shabot, Elle Garodnick, Katie Welch, Anna Veach, Sara Norris, Ginnie Fonville, Megan Collins, Nancy Monsees, Barbara Vick, Tina Bass
Front row: Pam Zenick, Sue Carlton, Gloria Brister, Sarah Ruiz, Andria Niles, Sarah Luna, Caryl Thompson, Jenn Matty

YWE Scholarship Deadline Extended
Young Women Energized has extended the deadline for it’s $100,000 scholarship program to this Saturday, Oct. 3 at 9 a.m. In this great opportunity for Houston-area female students, the Women’s Energy Network of Houston sponsors ten $10,000 one-time awards to exemplary high school senior girls from the greater Houston area. Through its programs, WEN is committed to introducing high school students to careers in energy, helping to fuel the industry’s need for top talent in the future.
Apply here:

NASA Offers New Coding Challenge
This September, NASA launched its App Development Challenge. This coding challenge engages middle and high school students in solving technical problems related to deep space exploration missions. In this challenge, students work in teams to develop an app that visualizes the South Pole region of the Moon. Teams will utilize lunar terrain data to create a visualization that displays essential information for navigation and communication.
The challenge began September 30, 2020 and concludes with video submissions on Nov. 18. During the challenge, teams will participate in live virtual connections with NASA subject matter experts to learn more about coding, app development, space communications, and navigation. For more information or to register, go to or contact the ADC team at

Free NASA STEM Program
High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS) applications are open through Oct. 21. HAS provides a free, authentic learning experience for Texas high school juniors to explore STEM fields through NASA-themed content. Students who complete the online lessons will receive a science elective credit for their high school transcript. In addition, the highest-achieving students attend a team-based residential experience at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston during the summer. NASA scientists and engineers guide student teams while they plan an Artemis-themed mission to the Moon and, eventually, Mars!
High School Aerospace Scholars Program
2020 Census Parade
C-STEM participated in a 2020 Census car parade in Houston’s Third Ward to encourage residents to be counted. The caravan was organized by the Houston Society for Change and 88 CHUMP. It is essential that every resident across America be counted, as it dictates how money is allocated for resources. The deadline has been extended to October 30, 2020. This includes badly needed educational resources. C-STEM is proud to do its part to support the Census. Let’s get counted!
Entrepreneur Wants More Hispanic Students to Pursue STEM
New Seminar Course Tackles Racism, Bias and Exclusion in STEM
Black STEM Representation is Falling
STEM Barriers Need to be Addressed
Young Children Discover STEM at Home
New Space Telescope Named for Astronomy Pioneer
C-STEM Upcoming Events
Be on the lookout for the date of our 13th Annual State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast. Details coming soon!

Thank You To Our Sponsors And Partners

Executive Board

Advisory Board
Michael Aldridge
Shomari Williams
Joi Beasley
Zawadi Bryant
Bobby Bryant
Lucy Bremond
Antonio ‘Tony’ Canales
LaQuita Cyprian
Laolu Davies Yemitan
Gayle Fallon
Ruthie Esene
Michael Harris
Renee Logans
David Medina
Antoinette Jackson
Scott Minnix
Dr. Sandra Saldana Ortega
Susan Taylor
Dr. Frazier Wilson
Syalisa Winata
Ross Peters
Dr. Robert Satcher
Charles Samuel
Miloni Shah
Cherrilyn B. Nedd
Dr. Martina Ogbonna
Dr. Letitia Franklin Ozoude
We are C-STEM!