Board Member Term: 3 years – to be determined in conjunction with the Bylaws and an overall effort to rotate board members effectively so as to assure continuity of skills, diversity, and leadership. The board meets in person (4) times per year (1st, 2nd, and 3rd, and 4th Quarter) from – 6:00-7:30 PM and via conference calls (4) times per year from 12:00-1:00 PM. There are no board meetings in June, July, August, and December:
Annual Commitment: Working with the CEO, Board members are required to sign entering into an annual agreement that calls for self-evaluation at the end of each fiscal year. The agreement asks each Board member to identify at least one special project at C-STEM that will make effective use of their individual expertise and skills set. Each board member is further required to attend at least one public appearance on behalf of the organization (e.g., speaking engagement, attendance at special event, networking opportunity, attendance at a C-STEM training or activity, etc.) In addition, C-STEM asks all board members to diligently seek ways to support the annual budget with an annual give or get of $7,500.00 as well as the services we provide through fundraising, donations, etc.
Yearly Time Commitment: 40-80 Hours, distributed as follows;
10-20 hours: Monthly Board meetings (preparation, attendance, follow-up)
10-20 hours: Conference Calls (preparation, committee updates)
10-20 hours: Committee meetings (preparation, attendance, follow-up)
10-20 hours: Special projects, fundraising, etc.
Officers & Committees: At the Annual meeting, date recommended by the chairman, the board elects its own officers and committee chairpersons for one-year terms. This is done in accordance with the bylaws and based on member interest, expertise, and organizational need.
Current Calendar of Events/Activities:
- January 30th, board meeting (CSTEM Office), 6:00-7:30 PM
- February 27th, board meeting (conference call), 12-1 PM
- March 27th, board meeting (conference call), 12-1 PM
- April 17th, board meeting (CSTEM Office), 6:00-7:30 PM
- May 29th, board meeting (conference call), 12-1 PM
- June (no meeting)
- July (no meeting)
- August (no meeting)
- September 25th, board meeting (C-STEM Office), 6-7:30 PM
- October 23rd, board meeting (conference call), 12-1 PM
- November 13th, board meeting (CSTEM Office), 6:00-7:30 PM
- December (no meeting)
- January 12th, Executive Board Retreat
- National C-STEM Challenge ICTI (ongoing)
- April 24th, State of STEM Education Breakfast-(The Junior League)
- April 27th, CSTEM Challenge-(Multiple Sites)
- June-December, C-STEM Day Camps
- November, GivingTuesday
- December 16th, C-STEM Holiday Social-(Ogun Art + Wine)
Board Committees include:
Executive (officers)
C-STEM Programs
Integrated C-STEM Training
- C-STEM Challenge Performative Evaluation Day
- STEMcast Podcast
- C-STEM Day Camps
- Undergraduate/Graduate Internship
- Executive and Program Performance Reports
- Fundraisers (Stakeholder Breakfast, GivingTuesday, and Holiday Social)
- Fee for Service (Training, Camps, Equipment Rental, and Exhibits)
- Annual Accounts and Budget Directives (Current and Next Year’s)
- Auditors report
- Audit-planning approach and Audit Committee reviews
- Legal, regulatory, compliance and risk
- Set framework for the year
- Define broad options
- Outline/select options
- Approve final strategy approach
- Review strategic and competitive position, key performance indicators
- Set staff review objectives for the year
- Evaluate staff performance
- Determine risk-review objectives for the year
- Conduct annual risk review, including mitigation approaches
Board Reinvention/Education
- Board Retreat and Board-process enhancement
- Travel with staff and do site visits
- Visit R&D facilities and new geographic locations
- Inspect products, services, and production spaces
- Field Research
The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall governance of C-STEM Teacher & Student Support Services in a manner that is consistent with nonprofit law, the organization’s Bylaws, the organization’s mission and vision. In partnership with staff, board members provide assurance and oversight over major policies and procedures, especially those that impact the long-term health and well being of the nonprofit. The board is committed to upholding best practices in all aspects of the organization’s work to embrace broader standards of nonprofit excellence. Serving as stewards who hold the organization in trust for the good of the entire community we serve, board members are willing and engaged public ambassadors who respect nuances of executive leadership. As such, when the board functions before the public, it speaks with one reasoned voice to all constituents and stakeholders. As a group, the board always acts in the organization’s best interest – especially with respect to conflicts of interest, privacy, confidentiality, and professional codes of conduct. When acting as individuals, each board member contributes in ways that highlight their professional strengths, engage their expertise and encourage overall innovation by the board-at-large.
- A demonstrated interest & commitment to the agency’s mission, vision, goals, and values.
- A willingness to participate in & support fundraising activities, and the annual budget.
- A willingness to represent the agency to the broader community, including but not limited to government, philanthropy, educators, media, and businesses.
- A willingness to expand one’s knowledge and board responsibility through orientation, ongoing training, documentation of resources and evaluation.
NOTE: While specific experience in one or more of the following is helpful, this is not a requirement.
Human Resource/Board Development/Staff Development
- Participating in board development activities, including board member recruitment, orientation, training, recognition and evaluation.
- Supporting Executive Director and providing on-going assistance as requested by the Executive Director.
- Establishing personnel policies, especially regarding salaries/benefits as part of the annual budget.
Strategic Planning
- Planning for the future, including setting the organization’s strategic direction and annually reviewing and updating the organization’s mission, vision, and goals.
- Supporting the Executive Director in determining which programs and services C-STEM Incorporated will provide. Setting goals and priorities for the maintenance, improvement, overhaul and/or expansion of new and existing programs and services.
- Evaluating C-STEM Incorporated programs and services on a regular basis.
Finance/Fiscal Management
- Approving an annual budget and ensuring that the budget is both sound and furthers strategic priorities set forth by planning.
- Ensuring that appropriate fiscal and financial management policies are in place and monitoring the effectiveness of these policies.
- Monitoring the financial status of the nonprofit, including, monthly and quarterly review relevant financial statements and annual review of income, expenses, assets, etc.
Fund Development/Philanthropy
- Ensuring adequate resources to achieve the organization’s well managed growth; including creating and updating a fund development plan as well as a plan for stewardship of donors.
- Participating in fundraising activities, based on each board member’s skills and background.
- Supporting an annual expansion of the organization’s internal culture of philanthropy, sustainability and revenue building.
Community Relations/Public Relations
- Ensuring that C-STEM programs and services address community, constituent and stakeholder needs.
- Promoting C-STEM programs to the general public.
- Ensuring that the organizations legal structures are adequate and appropriate.
- Ensuring that the organization is adequately insured based on detailed assessment of risks.
- Ensuring that the organization is in compliance with applicable federal and state laws.