What we do

We are proud of the impact we’ve made in the lives of teachers, students, and communities across the country for the last 23+ years. We’re looking forward to doing so much more!

Two smiling girls wearing STEM t-shirts, promoting c stem education.
equipping educators

C-STEM Teacher Training

C-STEM offers engaging STEM training courses for educators based on current workforce trends through our accredited Integrated C-STEM Training Institute. Educators can earn up to 2.7 CEUs. Each training comes with a toolkit.

facilitating learning

C-STEM Toolkits

C-STEM Challenge Curriculum & Toolkits create an environment for students to work individually or collaboratively to identify, design, and build innovative solutions to real-world problems. Each challenge is inspired by industry professionals and is aligned to the following national educational standards: TEKS, Common Core, NGSS, and Virginia SOL.

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Teacher Training Hours
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Years Of Service
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Teacher Training Hours
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Years Of Service
Creating Solutions

C-STEM Challenge Competitions

A C-STEM Challenge Competition is a highly motivating competition that engages students in multi-age groups to collaboratively identify, design, and build innovative solutions for up to eight different Challenge modules: Debate, Robotics Prototyping, Innovation, Coding, Sea Turtle Sculpture, Mosaic Mural, Film, and Photography. These modules are designed by industry professionals and national standards-aligned project-based learning activities, thus demonstrating the impact of teacher training on student learning and student performance in a STEM competition environment.

growing leaders

C-STEM Internships

C-STEM offers internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate level students as part of our charge to make STEM accessible to all students. Our interns support our work in a number of ways and gain valuable professional mentorship in their area of study.


Friday, June 6th, 2025 at the Junior League of Houston.

The Annual Stakeholder Breakfast is our premiere fundraising event of the year. All funds from this event are dedicated to support an essential component of C-STEM operations and programming. We invite you to consider making an investment and joining us. Our work in the community is not possible without you. We need your help!