What we do
We are proud of the impact we’ve made in the lives of teachers, students, and communities across the country for the last 23+ years. We’re looking forward to doing so much more!

C-STEM Teacher Training
C-STEM offers engaging STEM training courses for educators based on current workforce trends through our accredited Integrated C-STEM Training Institute. Educators can earn up to 2.7 CEUs. Each training comes with a toolkit.
C-STEM Toolkits
C-STEM Challenge Curriculum & Toolkits create an environment for students to work individually or collaboratively to identify, design, and build innovative solutions to real-world problems. Each challenge is inspired by industry professionals and is aligned to the following national educational standards: TEKS, Common Core, NGSS, and Virginia SOL.
C-STEM Challenge Competitions
A C-STEM Challenge Competition is a highly motivating competition that engages students in multi-age groups to collaboratively identify, design, and build innovative solutions for up to eight different Challenge modules: Debate, Robotics Prototyping, Innovation, Coding, Sea Turtle Sculpture, Mosaic Mural, Film, and Photography. These modules are designed by industry professionals and national standards-aligned project-based learning activities, thus demonstrating the impact of teacher training on student learning and student performance in a STEM competition environment.
C-STEM Internships
C-STEM offers internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate level students as part of our charge to make STEM accessible to all students. Our interns support our work in a number of ways and gain valuable professional mentorship in their area of study.