December 2019 E-Newsletter

Message from Dr. Reagan Flowers

Ignite Passion for STEM with Reading

Though many activities associated with STEM are implemented through hands-on activity, reading is still a crucial skill for students. First, reading can help students discover which areas of science, technology, math, and engineering excite them. Second, it provides a crucial base of knowledge for engaging in these areas. Third, all students learn differently, and reading gives students the opportunity to learn about these topics at their own pace. Read the Full Article…

C-STEM Programs

This Month's Highlights

STEM and Santa

C-STEM was proud to participate in this year’s Santa at the Ensemble Theater event, which provides a Christmas celebration for Houston children who might not otherwise have one. C-STEM was honored to present a workshop for more than 250 children during the event. Check out the Foward Times article here.

C-STEM Partners with YWCA Boulder

Earlier this month, C-STEM partnered with the YWCA in Boulder, Colorado and Google to support the National Week of Code with an Hour of Code activity. C-STEM provided six Pi-Top computers to instructors at an elementary, middle and a high school. More than 150 students participated, learning how to program a progress bar using Google Apps Script.

Please help C-STEM meet our fundraising goal before we close out the year...

Our impact is made possible thanks to a family of supporters including donors, teachers, parents, and community leaders. We were honored to meet with many of them at this year’s holiday social, and we thank you immensely for your continued support.

Not able to attend but would still love to support C-STEM before we close out the year? Make a Donation Now!

Festive Fun at the C-STEM Holiday Social

Thank you to all that joined us for our Annual Holiday Social on December 16th. Also a very special thank you to Access Data Supply for hosting us! Check out the video recap.

Community Spotlight

Partner Spotlight

Sheldon ISD Leads the Way

Congratulations to Sheldon ISD, who has become an affiliate with C-STEM as part of our Keys Program. Sheldon ISD has been an innovator in STEM education in the Houston area, and has taken that another step further in becoming a C-STEM affiliate. Find out more about the C-STEM Keys Program here.

Board Member Spotlight

Meet New C-STEM Board Members

C-STEM board members Marlon K. Scott and Dr. Kelly Coleman were recently featured in the Houston Business Journal. We’re proud to welcome them aboard and grateful for their support:

C-STEM Upcoming Events

Thank You To Our Sponsors And Partners

Executive Board

Advisory Board

Michael Aldridge
Shomari Williams
Joi Beasley
Zawadi Bryant
Bobby Bryant
Lucy Bremond
Antonio ‘Tony’ Canales
LaQuita Cyprian
Laolu Davies Yemitan
Gayle Fallon
Ruthie Esene
Michael Harris
Renee Logans
David Medina
Antoinette Jackson
Scott Minnix
Dr. Sandra Saldana Ortega
Susan Taylor
Dr. Frazier Wilson
Syalisa Winata
Ross Peters
Dr. Robert Satcher
Charles Samuel
Miloni Shah
Cherrilyn B. Nedd
Dr. Martina Ogbonna
Dr. Letitia Franklin Ozoude

We are C-STEM!