Message from Dr. Reagan Flowers
Preparing Students for a Changing Workplace
The days of slow-paced change, data kept in hard copy files, and only some workers needing to learn new technology, are long gone. Today’s students require different skill-sets and the changing workplace continues to outpace many schools, leaving students unprepared to enter the workplace right out of high school.
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C-STEM Programs

This Month's Highlights
Are You Prepared for Challenge Day?
If you are an educator preparing a team of students for a school-based C-STEM Challenge competition, National C-STEM Challenge Day, or just want to take your classroom STEM efforts to the next level, our Integrated C-STEM Training Institute is the solution. The program offers up to 48 hours of online professional development year-round, plus a toolkit. Units are specialized by age level and curriculum focus.

Join Us at the 10th Annual Stakeholder Breakfast
Register Today! Please join us on April 30th for the 10th annual State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast at The Junior League of Houston from 7:30 – 9 am. STEM education matters! Having your support matters! Celebrating our community advocates matters!

Scholarship Recipients Announced
Congratulations to the C-STEM Feeder Pattern Initiative Scholarship Award winners:
Feeder Pattern 1: Raul Yzaguirre Schools for Success (Elite Primary Academy, Houston Middle School Early College, Houston and T-STEM Early College High School)
Feeder Pattern 2: Blackshear Elementary School, Baylor College of Medicine Academy at James D Ryan, Jones Futures Academy
Thank you to Verizon for making these scholarships available to C-STEM partnering schools. Participating feeder pattern teams will receive in-depth teacher training, curriculum guides, tool-kits, technology resources, C-STEM Challenge competition experience, and so much more!
Community Spotlight

Partner Spotlight
Emancipation Park Conservancy
Next month, in partnership with Emancipation Park Conservancy we will kick-off Spring Break in the Tre with a coding day camp field trip for Blackshear Elementary School students’ with the possibility of opening it up to other students in the community.
STEM Supports 67% of U.S. Jobs
Giving more kids access to a STEM education
MAPS Day encourages middle school girls to pursue STEM
How Iranian immigrants can be role models for diversity in STEM
2020 National Cohort of the Association for Women in Science’s STEM to Market Accelerator Program
9 Ways To Recruit And Promote Women In STEM – From The Cofounder Of The Grace Hopper Conference
Interview: Girls’ and women’s engagement in STEM education and careers in Latin America
C-STEM Upcoming Events
Be on the lookout for the date of our 13th Annual State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast. Details coming soon!

Thank You To Our Sponsors And Partners

Executive Board

Advisory Board
Michael Aldridge
Shomari Williams
Joi Beasley
Zawadi Bryant
Bobby Bryant
Lucy Bremond
Antonio ‘Tony’ Canales
LaQuita Cyprian
Laolu Davies Yemitan
Gayle Fallon
Ruthie Esene
Michael Harris
Renee Logans
David Medina
Antoinette Jackson
Scott Minnix
Dr. Sandra Saldana Ortega
Susan Taylor
Dr. Frazier Wilson
Syalisa Winata
Ross Peters
Dr. Robert Satcher
Charles Samuel
Miloni Shah
Cherrilyn B. Nedd
Dr. Martina Ogbonna
Dr. Letitia Franklin Ozoude
We are C-STEM!