Message from Dr. Reagan Flowers
Equity in STEM: How We Take Action
Improving equity in STEM education is an ongoing journey. I have been passionate about this effort throughout my work in education. It will take much more action in the coming decades to move the needle. Read the Full Article…

C-STEM Programs

Tune into this month's featured podcast:

This Month's Highlights
Give to C-STEM this Holiday Season
The COVID-19 Pandemic has negatively affected so much this year, including our health, livelihoods, families, and social lives.
Not nearly enough attention has been given to how this crisis has impacted our children. But C-STEM is paying attention! As we have done since our founding, we are working hard to fill in the gaps left by closed/changed schools and virtual learning. We have been reaching out to our educational partners to provide support, all while struggling to operate with significantly diminished capacity and funding.
Here’s where you come in. We are asking for your help to ensure that C-STEM is able to put STEM learning within every child’s reach throughout the pandemic and beyond.
There are 4 ways you can help!
- Make a tax-deductible donation today or on Giving Tuesday TOMORROW (Dec. 1)!
- Do your holiday shopping on Amazon Smile and make C-STEM your benefiting charity or use this link:
- Join us at our 10th Annual Holiday Social (either in person or virtually) on Monday, December 14, 2020 at 5:30pm CST. As part of this event, your donation will enter you to win a gorgeous quilt made and donated by the Golf Coast Modern Quilt Guild.
- Share these opportunities with your network of family, friends, & colleagues who (like you) have a passion for supporting student achievement and success!

Networking Summit Offers STEM Careers
American Family Insurance is looking for diverse talent and will be hosting a Winter Career Virtual Networking Summit on December 10, 2020 at 1pm EST/12pm CST.
The team is specifically looking for African American and HBCU talent and has internships and career opportunities on the corporate (marketing, data analytics, sales, finance) and agency side, with many of the roles being remote.
This will be an exclusive opportunity to network with their leadership and meet recruiters to unwrap your full career potential this holiday season. Register now for this free event before it fills up here.

Partnering to Achieve Maximum Impact
C-STEM welcomes high-impact collaborations and partnerships. One such partnership is with Black Girls Do Engineer!
Earlier this month, Black Girls Do Engineer (BGDE) hosted a virtual Venturous Coding Camp for 15 girls, ranging from second grade to college sophomores. Alex Howell, former C-STEM intern, remained with C-STEM as a volunteer to support the camp on the platform he sourced and set up for the virtual coding camp during his internship. The BGDE coding camp provided the girls opportunities to explore the world of computer programming. They wrote code, participated in programming contests, grew their confidence, and won great prizes — laptop computers. Some of the testimonies…
“This makes me so happy!!”
“I’m so GRATEFUL that you all provided this camp. I can’t explain the real joy I feel…”
“…THANK YOU SO MUCH!! The spark in her eyes have started to glimmer again!! “
“Thank you for providing the girls an opportunity to learn Coding! They truly enjoyed the experience!”

Showing Off Black Girl Mathgic
C-STEM is all about providing P-12 students with relevant and real-world learning experiences that strengthen STEM and Communication skills.
Black Girls Mathgic is an organization doing a fantastic job with the “M” in C-STEM! And, we could not resist sharing the FREE ‘COOL’ interactive printable they dreamed up on Election Day!
This freebie highlights the math in voting/elections and will:
- Show your mathematician how math exists in voting/elections
- Create an additional opportunity to teach your child about civic engagement
- Strengthen your mathematician active listening skills and reinforces terms and vocabulary covered in math classes.
Black Girl Mathgic not only encourages girls to pursue and succeed in math, they also celebrate the achievements of black girls. We could not resist this opportunity to help Black Girl Mathgic shine a spotlight on Chelsea’s Charity. Together we can empower our future, our youth!
Are you ready for some Mathgic?
Download your fun election math freebie!

Blast from the Past
We get the biggest joy going back down memory lane. C-STEM has touched so many lives over the 20 years we have been serving communities near and far. It is our hope that this memory places a smile on your face and in your heart. Enjoy!
C-STEM Upcoming Events
Be on the lookout for the date of our 13th Annual State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast. Details coming soon!

Thank You To Our Sponsors And Partners

Executive Board

Advisory Board
Michael Aldridge
Shomari Williams
Joi Beasley
Zawadi Bryant
Bobby Bryant
Lucy Bremond
Antonio ‘Tony’ Canales
LaQuita Cyprian
Laolu Davies Yemitan
Gayle Fallon
Ruthie Esene
Michael Harris
Renee Logans
David Medina
Antoinette Jackson
Scott Minnix
Dr. Sandra Saldana Ortega
Susan Taylor
Dr. Frazier Wilson
Syalisa Winata
Ross Peters
Dr. Robert Satcher
Charles Samuel
Miloni Shah
Cherrilyn B. Nedd
Dr. Martina Ogbonna
Dr. Letitia Franklin Ozoude
We are C-STEM!