C-STEM July 2021 Newsletter

Message from Dr. Reagan Flowers

How to Pay for College Without Loans

As we get closer to the fall semester, many high school graduates are still deciding their paths. They are wondering how to pay for college without loans, whether to take a year off, and/or whether to pursue a college degree at all. So this month, I want to take a look at helping students achieve their STEM dreams — without landing them in insurmountable debt.  Read the Full Article…

C-STEM Programs

This Month's Highlights

C-STEM Receives Prestigious Accreditation

The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded C-STEM the prestigious Accredited Provider accreditation. IACET Accredited Providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The accreditation period extends for five years and includes all programs offered or created during that time. 

“C-STEM is proud of our education programs which prepare teachers and professionals each year to deliver critical communication and STEM skills that are needed to compete in today’s world,” stated Dr. Reagan Flowers, President and CEO.  “We are pleased to recognize and celebrate the achievement of C-STEM as an Accredited Provider,” stated Casandra Blassingame, CEO of IACET. 

To achieve Accredited Provider accreditation, C-STEM completed a rigorous application process and successfully demonstrated adherence to the ANSI/IACET 2018-1 Standard for Continuing Education and Training by addressing the design, development, administration, and evaluation of its programs. 

“The process to receive accreditation was very rigorous and the experience has provided us with a structure to continuously evaluate our processes,” said Natalie Roberts, Integrated C-STEM Training Institute Team Lead and Support Agent. “IACET’s emphasis on reflection and continuous improvement helps to ensure that we continue to provide training that meets or exceeds industry standards for continuing education.”

Sponsors Needed for 2022 Stakeholder Breakfast

We invite you to play a crucial role in supporting our 10th Annual State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast. We are currently planning the 2022 breakfast and need your help!

The 10th Annual State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast will bring together P-12 schools, higher education, professional organizations, corporations, and public servant leaders to receive updates on C-STEM’s community impact and the current state of STEM education. We will also honor Terry and Joycelyn Williams with the STEMing the Tide Award and Dr. Kelly Coleman with the C-STEM Ambassador Award.


Varying levels of sponsorship are available. Contact Dr. Flowers directly at (713) 443-4521 or rflowers@cstem.org   to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

All-In Summer Bridge Program Brings Houston Community Together

This summer, the All-In Summer Bridge program partnership with C-STEM program impacted nearly 800 students across 11 elementary, middle, and high schools in Houston Independent School District, providing these students with access to a hands-on STEM summer program. Students at all grade levels were able to experience C-STEM robotics prototyping curriculum. HISD teachers, in partnership with tutors from iEducate and ACES Institute facilitated the instruction. C-STEM values partner opportunities with HISD and appreciates the value such partnerships bring to the Greater Houston Community.

Fraternity Donates Time to Help C-STEM

Earlier this month, brothers from the Alpha Alpha Fraternity from the University of Houston gave their time to help C-STEM prepare, assemble and label activity toolkits. We are so appreciative that they gave of their summer to help!

“Our chapter wanted to volunteer at C-STEM because we understand the importance of teaching young kids about STEM fields early on, as it could potentially pave the way for something much greater in their future,” said Alpha Alpha Community Service Chair Dadi Hamel. “Helping to make the project kits for young students motivated us to continue to learn about our communities, as well as reflect on our own personal lives and put into action things that would’ve been beneficial to us when we were younger. Thank you to everybody at C-STEM for the opportunity!”

Flowers Keynotes CTE Conference

C-STEM Founder, President and CEO recently served as the keynote speaker at the University of Tennessee Center for Literacy, Education, and Employment 2021 Institute for CTE Educators. Addressing the conference theme, “Commitment to Excellence,” Flowers spoke on the current state of STEM and how to evolve curriculum to best help students.

Blast from the Past Corner

We get the biggest joy going back down memory lane. C-STEM has touched so many lives over the more than 25 years we have been serving communities near and far. It is our hope that this memory places a smile on your face and in your heart. This month, we’re featuring a 2010 C-STEM Challenge Robotics Workshop hosted at Milby High School for P-12 schools.

C-STEM Upcoming Events

Thank You To Our Sponsors And Partners

Executive Board

Advisory Board

Michael Aldridge
Shomari Williams
Joi Beasley
Zawadi Bryant
Bobby Bryant
Lucy Bremond
Antonio ‘Tony’ Canales
LaQuita Cyprian
Laolu Davies Yemitan
Gayle Fallon
Ruthie Esene
Michael Harris
Renee Logans
David Medina
Antoinette Jackson
Scott Minnix
Dr. Sandra Saldana Ortega
Susan Taylor
Dr. Frazier Wilson
Syalisa Winata
Ross Peters
Dr. Robert Satcher
Charles Samuel
Miloni Shah
Cherrilyn B. Nedd
Dr. Martina Ogbonna
Dr. Letitia Franklin Ozoude

We are C-STEM!