Board Nominations Form & Questionnaire

Tell Us About Yourself:

Note: By responding to the following, you are helping C-STEM with its goal of building a board that accurately reflects the citizens of the community it serves. Non-disclosure of demographic information is part of your right to privacy and will not impact your nomination.

Board Service is founded on a willingness to fund-raise. Is there specific kinds of fundraising that appeal to you more than others? Rank the following in order of interest for your involvement ( all that apply):

Required Support Materials:

Nominees are welcome to submit additional materials with their application; however, C-STEM, Incorporated will not facilitate the return of additional items such as videos, disks, or printed material. Note that service on the Board of Directors may call for making your resume and/or biographical information available as part of grant applications or other public documents. By providing such information herein, you are granting C-STEM, Incorporated the right to use this information for such reasonable purposes only, pending your involvement on the Board of Directors. As a matter of policy, C-STEM respects the privacy of all nominees, and you can freely opt out of providing any part of information that is requested. C-STEM reserves the right to review all nominations forms and disqualify those who fail to include minimally required information for this process.

Submit your nomination supplemental materials

Via E-mail:

C-STEM Teacher & Student Support Services

ATTN: 2015 Board of Directors Nominations

3226 Alabama Street, Houston, Texas 77004

Office: 713-443-4521
Fax: 713-748-7454

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11th Annual State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast

Please join us at The Junior League of Houston from 7:30-9:00 AM

11th Annual State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast

Please join us at The Junior League of Houston from 7:30-9:00 AM